Fidelity International is a global leader in the investment and retirement savings business, providing investment solutions and services, and retirement expertise to more than 2.88* million customers globally.  Established in 1969 as the international arm of Fidelity Investments, founded in Boston in 1946, Fidelity International became independent of the US organisation in 1980. We are a privately held investment firm, majority owned by senior management, the founding family interests and charities. Investment is our core business with no conflicting interests from other financial services activities, this ensures we are driven by our clients’ needs and not by short-term shareholder demands.

As a purpose-driven company with a heritage of over 50 years, we think generationally and invest for the long term. We offer our own investment solutions and access to those of others and deliver services relating to investing. For individual investors and their advisers, we provide guidance to help them invest in a simple and cost-effective way. For institutions, including pension funds, banks, corporations and insurance companies, we offer tailored investment solutions, consultancy, and full-service outsourcing of asset management to us. For employers, we provide workplace pension administration services on top of, or independently from, investment management. Today we manage total client assets of $744bn, including $80bn in dedicated fixed income strategies of which $15bn is managed in liquidity funds.

Our investment approach requires a continuous research commitment to build a deep understanding of what is driving industries and individual businesses. This is where our global research capabilities with 446* investment professionals and research support staff around the world come in. Fidelity is committed to generating proprietary insights and our analysts work together across asset classes, for example, combining insights from Equity, Credit, Macro and Quantitative Research, to form a 360-degree view on the health and prospects of companies.

In the case of money markets, we centre on proprietary credit analysis alongside consideration of wider inputs such as environmental, governance and social factors. Our long-standing expertise in money market investing means we can offer you secure, high quality and liquid solutions.


*Source: Fidelity International, 30th June 2023. Data unaudited, asset figures rounded to the nearest US$ billion. Total client assets include assets under management and assets under administration. Liquidity Funds include institutional liquidity funds, retail cash funds and the Fidelity Enhanced Reserve Fund.